Fiddle Leaf Fig Ficus


Lirasti fikus ili ficus lyrata vjerojatno je najdraža sobna biljka svih ljubitelja posebnih interijera. Mnogi ga nazivaju živućom skulpturom koju karakteriziraju veliki tamno zeleni listovi kožaste strukture i tanka drvenasta stabljika.

Prošle godine bio je najpopularnija biljka u svijetu interijera jer savršeno funkcionira u svim prostorijama i jednostavno je stvoren za sve stilove.

Studio Botanike u svojoj ponudi ima ovu popularnu biljku, a naručiti je možete na njihovoj službenoj stranici: Studio Botanike.

The fiddle-leaf fig ficus, or ficus lyrata, is hands down everyone’s favourite indoor house plant. They are called living art sculptures and are characterised by large, stiff, and almost leather like dark green leaves radiating off wooden stems.

Last year, fiddle-leaf fig ficus was the most popular plant in interior design. He just looks great in every room and works with almost every interior design style.

Fiddle Leaf Fig Ficus

Fiddle Leaf Fig Ficus

Fiddle Leaf Fig Ficus

Fiddle Leaf Fig Ficus

Fiddle Leaf Fig Ficus

Fiddle Leaf Fig Ficus

Fiddle Leaf Fig Ficus