sOliver/Get the party started


Inspirirana plesnim podijem i ludim neonskim svjetlima, iz s.Oliverove  Q/S designed by linije nam stiže genijalna kolekcija puna prekrasnih kreacija. Šljokice, sjajno kamenje i baršun utkani su u ležerne i dobro poznate komade koje viđate u njihovim kolekcijama unazad par sezona. A, ja sam imala prilike uskočiti u neke u njih i stilizirati ih na sebi svojstven način.

Totalno sam luda za divnim topićem od šljokica koji je jednostavno stvoren za kombinaciju s trapericama visokog struka i blazerom od mekanog baršuna. Upotpunjen s predimenzioniranim naušnicama i visokim potpeticama postaje vrući komad u kojem ćete biti zamijećene u ludom izlasku! Preferirate li nešto ženstveno i sofisticiranije – zaljubit ćete se u debeli pulover ukrašen šljokicama i plisiranu midi suknju od baršuna. U mojoj verziji sa šljaštećim čarapama, sandalama na malu kitty peticu i statement torbom, ovaj outfit je idealan za sva svečana događanja koja nam stižu kroz par tjedana…

Nadam se da vam se sviđaju kombinacije!

Inspired by the dance floors of this world, set between dazzling neon advertisements and light effects, Q/S designed by presents a collection with lustrous effects. All the sequins, ornamental stones, glitter and velvet surface qualities contrast with the casual college styles from the previous collections. And I got the chance to pick some of my favourite pieces to style.

I’m crazy about the sequin top that can be worn so cool with a pair of basic jeans and their black velvet blazer. If you add some oversized earrings and high heels you are ready for a night out! If you prefer something more elegant and girly – you will love the knit jumper with sequins and the sophisticated velvet skirt. I’ve styled them with a pair of kitty sandals, statement socks and glittery bag.

I hope you like the looks!

sOliver/Get the party started

sOliver/Get the party started

sOliver/Get the party started

sOliver/Get the party started

sOliver/Get the party started

BLAZER: Q/S by s.Oliver (639 kuna), TOP: Q/S by s.Oliver (319 kuna), JEANS: Q/S by s.Oliver (399 kuna)

sOliver/Get the party started
sOliver/Get the party started
sOliver/Get the party started
sOliver/Get the party started
PULLOVER: Q/S by s.Oliver (559 kuna), SKIRT: Q/S by s.Oliver (479 kuna), BAG: Q/S by s.Oliver (319 kuna)

photos: S.K.

powered by s.Oliver