Da morate izabrati samo jednu zimsku kombinaciju koju ste nosile nekom prilikom kao omiljenu, za koju biste se odlučile? Ja sam poprilično sigurna da je ova današnja moj izbor.
Volim spajati ležerne i večernje komade pa je ova kombinacija žutog pamučnog pulovera i romantične tilaste haljine moj savršen zimski styling. Zašto? Prvenstveno zbog kombinacije boja i udobnih slojeva koji odlično funkcioniraju u dnevnim prilikama…
If you could choose one of your winter outfits to wear over and over again, which one would it be? This would probably be my favourite one.
I love to mix casual and evening pieces, so this combination of the yellow sweatshirt and the tulle dress is my kind of the perfect winter outfit. It has the right amount of colour, the right amount of layers and it just looks cozy and different…
COAT: Mango, SWEATSHIRT: She In, DRESS: Bershka, JEANS: She In, SHOES: Romwe, BEANIE: SOEL by Sonja Lamut
photos: S.K.