Prije nekoliko godina samouka umjetnica Kelly Beeman u potrazi za inspiracijom odlučila je svratiti na popularan Style.com i zaljubila se u prozračne kreacije s potpisom J.W.Andersona koji je zaslužan za njezin uzlet u karijeri.
Nakon što je na Instagramu objavila nekoliko ilustracija inspiriranih njegovom resort kolekcijom, J.W. Anderson repostao je te iste ilustracije i svijetu otkrio genijalnu Kelly. Od tada, Kelly je surađivala s brojnim brandovima od kojih su samo neki J.W. Anderson, Loewe, Tory Burch i Mara Hoffman, kao i s renomiranim modnim magazinima Marie Claire, Vogue i Interview Magazine.
A few years ago, self-taught Brooklyn-based artist Kelly Beeman, who was only drawing nude figures at the time, decided to check out Style.com in search of inspiration.
For Kelly’s career shift into the fashion world, designer J.W. Anderson is the one to blame as his resort collection was the trigger. Kelly posted some of the illustrations that were inspired by his designs on Instagram, he reposted and her flourishing career as a fashion illustrator started. Since then, Kelly has worked on commissions from J.W. Anderson, Loewe, Tory Burch, and Mara Hoffman, and has created fashion editorials for Marie Claire, Vogue and Interview Magazine.